Find a Native-led, Native-serving nonprofit to support! Organizations included are eligible to receive tax-deductible, charitable contributions in the U.S.
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There are 268 published organizations with more to come!
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National Indian Child Welfare Association
NICWA works to support the safety, health, and spiritual strength of American Indian and Alaska Native children along the broad continuum of their lives. We support tribes in building the capacity to prevent child abuse and neglect through positive systems change at the state, federal, and tribal levels. We are the most comprehensive source of information on American Indian and Alaska Native child welfare.
National Indian Education Association
NIEA advocates for policies and creates programs that support self-determination and the development of comprehensive culturally-grounded learning opportunities for Native students. By empowering the capacity for self-determination, our communities gain the skills, knowledge, and voice to nurture the strengths, resilience, and intelligence of our Native youth grounded in traditional Native ways.
National Indian Health Board
Mission Statement
Established by the Tribes to advocate as the united voice of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, NIHB seeks to reinforce Tribal sovereignty, strengthen Tribal health systems, secure resources, and build capacity to achieve the highest level of health and well-being for our People.
National Indian Youth Council
The National Indian Youth Council (NIYC) was founded in 1961 to be an advocate for Native Americans. We operate a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) grant funded by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Indian and Native American Programs (Section 166 of the WIOA). We have provided employment and educational services to New Mexico’s urban Native Americans since 1972. We have offices in Gallup, Farmington, and Albuquerque. We offer Work Experience and Classroom Training services to Native Americans who are over the age of 18. We aim to empower Indigenous People to exercise self-determination and self-sufficiency for community well-being.
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center
The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, Inc. (NIWRC) is a Native-led and women-led nonprofit (501)(3)(c) organization dedicated to ending violence against Native women and children. The NIWRC provides national leadership in ending gender-based violence in Tribal communities by uplifting the collective voices of grassroots advocates and offering culturally grounded resources, technical assistance and training, and policy development to strengthen Tribal sovereignty.
National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition
The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) is the first and only national organization whose purpose is to advocate on behalf of Native peoples impacted by U.S. Indian boarding school policies. We seek truth through education and research, justice through activism and policy advocacy, and healing through programs and traditional gatherings.
National Native American Law Students Association
Since 1970, the National Native American Law Students Association (“NNALSA”) has championed Native American law students and the development of Federal Indian Law, Tribal Law, and traditional forms of governance in law schools across the country. Our organization is led by a board of Native American law students from across the country and our membership consists of local chapters, individual Native law students, Native attorneys, and allies. This year, NNALSA is launching its “Road to 55” Campaign, which looks to lead the organization into its next 55 years. All donations will go directly to supporting our annual and mid-year conferences, national moot court and writing competitions, and annual scholarships for service to Tribal communities. Thank you!
National Native American Supplier Council
The National Native American Supplier Council (NNASC) is committed to advancing economic equity for tribally and Indigenous-owned businesses. As the premier minority business enterprise certifying body for these enterprises, NNASC provides a trusted platform for certification, ensuring visibility and credibility in competitive markets. We bridge the gap between Native-owned businesses and opportunities by fostering connections with corporate partners, government agencies, and other key stakeholders. Through our work, we aim to empower Native entrepreneurs, drive economic growth within Native communities, and create pathways for sustainable success. Together, we celebrate and amplify the resilience and ingenuity of Indigenous enterprises.
146 Monroe Center Street NW, Suite #1226; Grand Rapids, MI 49503-2825