Donate Today
We are grateful for your support! Your donation supports our endeavors to advocate for Native-led nonprofits.
Donation Information
Donate by Credit Card, ACH, or DAFpay:
Click here to donate securely online >
Mail a check to:
Native Ways Federation
101 5th St E, Suite 2400
Saint Paul, MN 55101-1800
Native Ways Federation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax-deductible.
Our tax ID number (EIN) is 32-0248892.
Contact us with any questions.
Please note: Native Ways Federation does not accept or distribute donations on behalf of our founding organizations or the organizations featured on the Native Nonprofit List. If you would like to donate to an organization, use their donation link or contact them directly.
We accept donations from Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) online or by check!
Click here to donate securely online with with DAFpay >
To donate from your DAF by check, contact your sponsoring organization, fund representative, or fund manager and let them know you want to make a donation, sharing the following details:
Please make checks payable to:
Native Ways Federation, EIN 32-0248892
101 5th St E, Suite 2400
Saint Paul, MN 55101-1800
In order to acknowledge your generous gift, please provide your name and/or fund name and address.
What are DAFs?
"DAF accounts allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction and then recommend grants from the fund over time."
Learn more about DAFs at the National Philanthropic Trust's website.
Our Mission & Vision
Our Mission is to activate and expand informed giving to Native-led nonprofits in Indian Country through donor education and advocacy. We Envision a thriving Native-led nonprofit sector, championing a diverse community rooted in Indigenous values and ways of being.