The Lyndon Foundation aims to preserve the traditional skill of Navajo silversmithing by empowering the next generation of artisans. With the art of Navajo silversmithing dying out, it is crucial to create pathways to transfer the knowledge of silversmithing to future generations of Native artisans. The foundation was founded by Lyndon Tsosie, an award-winning Silversmith artisan with over 30 years of experience. By preserving the art of silversmithing the foundation aims to keep a heritage alive and strengthen the community.
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Donate By Mail:
Location: NM
Nonprofit Type: 501(c)3
EIN or 7871 Tribal Affiliation: 92-2116067
Fiscal Sponsor: N/A
The Lyndon Foundation
Focus Areas
Arts, Culture, and Language | Community and Economic Development | Youth Development
Geography & Community Served
Local | Off-Reservation (Non-Urban) | Reservation | Tribal