Native Action Network is a nonprofit organized to promote Native women’s full representation, participation, and leadership in local, state, tribal, and national affairs. For more than twenty years, NAN has mobilized generations of Native leaders dedicated to serving their communities. By uplifting Native women’s legacies and positive impacts of Native-led initiatives, we affirm Native identities and futures, while advancing justice through community organization.
Find a Native-led, Native-serving nonprofit to support! Organizations included are eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions.
Donate By Mail:
Location: WA
Nonprofit Type: 501(c)3
EIN or 7871 Tribal Affiliation: 27-0884032
Fiscal Sponsor: N/A
Native Action Network
Focus Areas
Advocacy | Philanthropy, Nonprofits, and Grantmaking | Youth Development
Geography & Community Served
Local | Tribal | Urban