Find a Native-led, Native-serving nonprofit to support! Organizations included are eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions.


Donate By Mail: 146 Monroe Center Street NW, Suite #1226; Grand Rapids, MI 49503-2825


Location: MI
Nonprofit Type: 501(c)3
EIN or 7871 Tribal Affiliation: 92-2936237
Fiscal Sponsor: N/A

National Native American Supplier Council


The National Native American Supplier Council (NNASC) is committed to advancing economic equity for tribally and Indigenous-owned businesses. As the premier minority business enterprise certifying body for these enterprises, NNASC provides a trusted platform for certification, ensuring visibility and credibility in competitive markets. We bridge the gap between Native-owned businesses and opportunities by fostering connections with corporate partners, government agencies, and other key stakeholders. Through our work, we aim to empower Native entrepreneurs, drive economic growth within Native communities, and create pathways for sustainable success. Together, we celebrate and amplify the resilience and ingenuity of Indigenous enterprises.

Focus Areas

Advocacy | Community and Economic Development | Education

Geography & Community Served

Local | National | Off-Reservation (Non-Urban) | Regional | Reservation | Tribal | Urban