Since 1970, the National Native American Law Students Association (“NNALSA”) has championed Native American law students and the development of Federal Indian Law, Tribal Law, and traditional forms of governance in law schools across the country. Our organization is led by a board of Native American law students from across the country and our membership consists of local chapters, individual Native law students, Native attorneys, and allies. This year, NNALSA is launching its “Road to 55” Campaign, which looks to lead the organization into its next 55 years. All donations will go directly to supporting our annual and mid-year conferences, national moot court and writing competitions, and annual scholarships for service to Tribal communities. Thank you!
Find a Native-led, Native-serving nonprofit to support! Organizations included are eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions.
Donate By Mail:
Location: NM
Nonprofit Type: 501(c)3
EIN or 7871 Tribal Affiliation: 23-7085690
Fiscal Sponsor: N/A
National Native American Law Students Association
Focus Areas
Advocacy | Education | Law and Policy | Youth Development
Geography & Community Served
International | Local | National | Off-Reservation (Non-Urban) | Regional | Reservation | Tribal | Urban