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Location: SD
Nonprofit Type: 501(c)3
EIN or 7871 Tribal Affiliation: 85-2531558
Fiscal Sponsor: N/A

Mni Wichoni Nakicizin Wounspe


MWNW will collaborate with community partners to source student projects in a wide range of subjects, such as holistic wellness, Lakota/Dakota language and culture, nation rebuilding, and environmental and social justice. As our students complete these projects they will be able to earn high school credit, while learning valuable on the job and life skills.

Our team of educators will organize each student’s experience at MWNW so they learn to share — with each other, with their community and with the land — the Lakota understanding mitákuye owás’iŋ, and its four related values, otákuye wičhóȟ’aŋ (relationships), awáŋkičhiyaŋka (reciprocity), phiphíya kpamní (redistribution), and wóaiȟpeye (responsibility).

Focus Areas

Arts, Culture, and Language | Education | Sovereignty and Governance

Geography & Community Served
