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Location: AZ
Nonprofit Type: 501(c)3
EIN or 7871 Tribal Affiliation: 86-2229607
Fiscal Sponsor: N/A

IndiJ Public Media


In an effort to reach Indigenous populations that receive little to no journalistic coverage, ICT strives for Broadcast Excellence through Compelling Storytelling while empowering the Next Generation. ICT disseminates news stories through accessible, free, digital, and broadcast channels, providing millions of people with news about Indigenous communities, which is amplified by our social media presence.
In creating a spacious channel for information, our goal is to serve Indigenous audiences with stories about ourselves and the world. We amplify the voices of our readers and viewers. Our secondary goal is to educate the world about Indigenous peoples and our issues. A spacious channel also means developing talent. It’s essential that ICT expand opportunities for the Indigenous community, especially making certain we create a career path for our youth. We honor our ancestors and future generations through stories that make Indigenous peoples come alive.

Focus Areas

Arts, Culture, and Language | Environment | Media and Journalism

Geography & Community Served

Local | National | Off-Reservation (Non-Urban) | Regional | Reservation | Tribal | Urban