The Indigenous Roots & Reparation Foundation (IRRF) is located in Washington State in the homelands of the p’squosa (Wenatchi) People. The mission of our Indigenous led organization is to preserve and promote Indigenous history, culture, traditions, and language through various educational and advocacy initiatives. We advocate against further degradation of the natural environment, including our surrounding rivers and forests and work to protect the resources that have sustained our Peoples since time immemorial. Our traditional foods are now threatened by commercial over harvesting, climate change, hydropower dams and large scale renewable energy projects. Our goals is to provide a space on our ancestral homelands for members of all tribes to practice cultural traditions, ceremony, and fellowship.
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Location: WA
Nonprofit Type: 501(c)3
EIN or 7871 Tribal Affiliation: 87-1933610
Fiscal Sponsor: N/A
Indigenous Roots & Reparation Foundation
Focus Areas
Advocacy | Arts, Culture, and Language | Environment
Geography & Community Served
Local | Off-Reservation (Non-Urban) | Regional | Reservation | Tribal | Urban